Friday, December 19, 2014

The start of Corgi Keepsakes part 1

My two Corgis:  Hank, the steadfast, sweet-natured, scared-of-his-own-shadow red & white.  And Hope, the mischief-maker, never-still-for-a-minute, possessive tri-color.  As opposite in their natures as my two children always were.  And both loveable for their different personalities.

Hank & Hope are my inspiration behind this blog and my fledgling business, Corgi Keepsakes.  There's a lot more background, but for now, I'll just share how this business got started.

I had been making tiny containers for succulent plants out of polymer clay.  Called "pinch pots" because of the way they are made, I started a Facebook page dedicated to my Pinch Pot Plants.  Succulent growers are about as rabid as Corgi owners!  I enjoyed some success selling my pinch pot plants online, but it was difficult to package and ship them to be sure the plants weren't damaged during mailing.

What else could I sculpt with polymer clay?  What else did I love like I do succulents?  CORGIS, OF COURSE!!

I molded, sculpted and painted my first Corgi using Hank as my model...

This story will be continued in my next post!

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