Thursday, November 3, 2016

Tucker the Corgi Master

Thanks to the people of Corgi Nation, Bert and Vicki Corwin have received $570 to help with Tucker's medical bills!  ðŸ˜˜ðŸ˜˜

Do you follow Tucker The Corgi Master on Facebook?

Sweet Tucker needs our help!! Will you give? Even the smallest amount helps!  There is a Paypal button below to give.  Thank you!

 The gifts to Tucker have been coming in!  Vicki and Bert appreciate it so much!  Thanks Corgi Nation!

Good afternoon furiendz. Well we iz purdy sure I gotz some bad tooferz, and I iz purdy miisserable. My vet lady iz at a conference until tuesday, so da other vet refilled my pain pillz in hopez it will help until her getz back, to see what we iz gonna have to do. Some of youz know that I am not an easy patient...I haz to be that makez it pretty hard to look at teeth unless I'm put under. But if they iz gonna have to do that, they need to be prepared to do what ever at that time. My age and diabetes makez me a high risk for da knock out stuff plus infection. Da mama sayz I iz a very special needz boy! But heck I new that already...bol ! This iz all causin Mama and dadz great stress to make da right decisions for me. But bad teeth can play a big roll on my blood sugar numbers they will start plannin to make arrangements tuesday to getz dis ball rollin and getz me feelin better. I rarely ask for prayerz for myself or mama and dadz, but I is askin, if youz could pray for us. We would sure appreciate it bunches and gobz! Youz all so good to us and we lubz you ♥ Tucky Lubz

Tucker's Fund

Choose the amount from below

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Marly's Corgis

Quay at the BBQ!  

Happy 4th of July!

For June, Marly wanted a beach scene with Ollie!

Butter is relaxing in the flowers for May!

April showers bring May flowers!  

March roars in like a lion!  Marly's Corgi is flying a kite for March

What's Valentine's Day without Corgi Love?  Here is February!

Happy New Year was the theme for Marly's Corgis in January!

For December, Marly wanted a CorgiKeepsake with Quay, Butter and Ollie.  

Marly has asked for a custom made CorgiKeepsakes each month.  We're having so much fun thinking of ideas every month! 

Mr November-Ollie!

October In the Leaves Corgis

September Back to School Corgi

Graduation Corgi