Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Cardi Corgi Butt magnet

Needed to give our Cardigan Corgis a magnet all their I made 2!  One has a tail curled at the tip; the other, a straight tail!

Corgi Fancy Pants magnet

Corgis have the cutest butts!  I wanted to think of another way to show those cute butts off, and I think I found it!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Corgi Keepsake Arnold

I fell in love with Arnold the first time I saw his picture on Facebook!  Then I found out that Arnold & his family live in Mississippi, too!  His Corgmom, Libby and I even have a friend in common.

Arnold is a blue merle Cardigan Corgi, and it was fun & challenging to make him.  Libby and I decided to put mini-Arnold on a platform (that looks like grass) so that I could have his tail stick straight out without danger of it breaking.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Corgi Keepsake Amen

Sandy's Corgi, Amen, is a doll!  He wanted her in a smiling, drumstick pose!  

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Blue Merle Corgi Keepsake Baxter

Mandy asked me to make a smiling, drummy out figurine in memory of her beloved Baxter.  It was my first time to paint a merle of any kind!  I was excited and nervous.  I had seen pictures, but could I get the coloring right?  What a beautiful pup he was!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Smiling Corgi Keepsake Max

I love making figurines of Max.  I can tell from Kathy's emails and pics that she adored him; sadly, Max passed away in August 2014.  I feel honored to keep his memory alive with Corgi Keepsakes.  I have another post of Max in Haunches pose.

Corgi Keepsake Zoe

Denell asked me to choose the pose for her precious girl, Zoe.  After seeing one of her pics, I went for a little drumstick or turkey leg!  See that back leg sticking out?!